Tuesday 13 February 2018

3 famous Myths that about Merchant Navy.

Merchant navy is not exactly a common profession. Many of people in the world still not aware of this career. However, as a Merchant marine we have heard several myths and utter nonsense spoken by the people who have no idea about this industry at all.

First and foremost, seafarers earn load of money. This is probably the most common aspect of conversation we use to have. I am agreed the fact that the pay is good but it is similar to the individuals get after getting themselves a decent MBA/MASTERS. The gap of salaries closes up as time goes by with those who work at shore. (source : Google image)
That was just all about wages. Next let me share to you the most irritating words from my clicks and friends. They think being seafarer is living a glamorous life. They seem to thinks that we as seafarer having glamorous life with ships exotic countries, smart uniforms and etc. At the same time, they did not see the dirt boiler suits, torn safety shoes, the fatigue that engulf them at the end of the day. But luster only comes once dirt has been removed.

(Source: Google image)

Final the third myth that seafarers have wife or girlfriends at every port. Seriously!! I am still single till now and its hard for me to get a into relationship. This is the base reason why sailors are interpreted to be inherently unfaithful. Unlikely seafarers knows the true meaning of someone special is waiting back at home. 

                                                               Source :Google image

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