Monday, 3 December 2018

Organisational Goals

Okay, lets talk about organisation goal. 

What is organisation goal? Organisation goals are created in an attempt to achieve a desired state of profit and success. General organisation goals are found in the missionor vision statement of the company, but the details of those goals are defined in the business plan. Organisation goal are strategic objective that a management establishes to outline expected outcomes and guide employee's efforts.

In the organisation goal system, the main purpose is to achieve something related to goals for the company or someone. Therefore there are many points or keys are playing its roles to achieve the organisation goals.

Influence are one of the major key point need to be consider on the organisation goal. In this organisation system, leader should play their role in order to achieve their group organisation goal.
Leader should influence their team mates in order to achieve the goals.
Leader should influence the leader by respect the opinion given by the teammates in order to achieve the organisation goals. Leader should not demotivate the teammates by talking their decision is wrong or not good enough.

Leader should advice the team mate based on the opinion not by telling that their opinion is wrong or not good enough. Advising them will motivate rather than telling that their opinion is wrong.

Organisation goal is one of the important points that need to be consider as it play in a lot  of important roles. Influence are the important key point or factor to achieve the organisation goals in some decision making.

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