Wednesday 14 March 2018

Tioman Island

Tioman (Tioman, Pulau Tioman) is a small island off the East coast of the Malay Peninsula (Malaysia). The island has dimensions of 20 by 12 km and located at a distance of 40 kilometers from the mainland (Tioman on the map of Malaysia).

Tioman belongs to the largest state of Malaysia Pahang (Pahang). The population of the island had several hundred inhabitants. Most of the people you will meet here – tourists and travelers.

From the bird's eye view of the island resembles a huge sleeping dragon, so the locals call it "Sleeping Dragon". According to legend a very beautiful Chinese Princess-the dragon swam to her beloved in Singapore, but was so amazed by the beauty of this place and wanted to stay in these places forever, which can be appealed to the gods with a request to pay it in the island. The gods heard her and turned to Tioman island.

Visited Tioman island tourists, speak about the island terse: "Paradise!". The island is a nature reserve and untouched nature is carefully preserved (to get to the island, even need to pay a small fee 5 ringgit in the reserve Fund). He is among the ten most beautiful Islands in the world. On the island there are many "perfect" pristine beaches, clear mountain streams and waterfalls. There is no partying and night life, and time passes slowly.

Tourists primarily come here to go diving and enjoy the beauty of nature. All year round diving enthusiasts from all over the world come here to swim with whale sharks and observe the underwater creatures which cannot be seen anywhere else in the world. You can even safely say that Tioman a Paradise for divers. The underwater visibility up to 35 meters, which allows for snorkeling, and the water temperature all year round does not fall below 29 degrees. The island is surrounded by a ring of coral reef and amazing variety and beauty of underwater life. Around Tioman are scattered several small Islands, some of which are not known by tourists, and you have the chance to become a "pioneer".

Infrastructure on the island is not developed, but there is everything necessary for rest. Of the 7 villages on the island don't even all have electricity, and only one paved road from the airport to hotel Berjaya. Some of the hotels on the island are generally only accessible by water.

There are several hotels in different price categories, including very inexpensive, but they booked nearly one year in advance. Overall, the stay on Tioman island can be called expensive and elite, but independent and budget-conscious travellers can afford to spend a few days here, clearing the room in one of the inexpensive guesthouses owned by local residents.

A great gift for the guests of the island did the Malaysian government, including the island in the number of duty-free Islands. In duty free shops (duty free shops) on the island to buy alcohol and cigarettes at very low prices, which is very nice, given the fact that in Malaysia because of high duties on alcohol and cigarettes are very expensive.

The island is very rarely visited by Russian tourists. However, to afford to visit it can not only travel, but also ordinary tourists: there are package tours to Tioman island, which price is quite reasonable.

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