Tuesday, 17 July 2018

The real leader who conquered nearly half of the world! ALEXANDER THE GREAT

Alexander The Great is a well known name in pages of world history. He is the the leader that I idolize the most. I admire him because he took enormous afford and risk to achieve the highest position he could possibily reach.

He is one of the greater rulers in history who conquered nearly half of the world. His empire is extended from Ionian sea to Himmalays. Alexander discovers around 20 cities. He also famous for his eyes which is one of his eyes is brown colour and another one is blue. The quality of him which make me to admire is his decision making, stubborn and calculating nature. It is sad to know that he died at age of 32 at Babylon but he is known as the greatest military genius of all time.

He was appointed as regent when he was just 16 years old. This was his first real taste f political and military power. Some people will call him dictator, but for me that is one of important thing to be a good leader and achieve unachievable things. On the other hand, Alexander was extremely charasmatic. His army did seem to "love" him and the people he conquered seemed to love him just as much. I believe he may have been one of the most charasmatic people who has ever lived. I think because he was genuine. He really loved people in return, he reflected back some of humanities best characteristics and now for the theory part-I think his charisma was so strong that all these almost 2400 years later it still attracts people including me. That's why he still generates so much interest. But if I had to be honest-I would have to say that as I am usually quiet I'd love to have some of that charisma and ability to relate to all people.

The other thing I like about Alexander is that he was no fear for strangers. The closest equivalent we have to him in modern times is of course Adolf Hitler, but there is a crucial difference between the two. They both rampaged their way through much of the world, it is true, but while Hitler ruthlessly killed certain groups he hated, Alexander was more than content to allow the people he conquered to follow their own ways and he even married into the alien dynasties he overthrew.

As overall, his actions speaks louder than the words, his achievement proofs that good leadership quality will make you conquer the world. Perhaps he might conquer the whole world if he lived longer. I wish i can impliment some of his qualities which can helpful for my future. To be honest I love to dominant which is why i think im attracted to Alexander. 

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