Spinning Tops (Gasing) The Forgotten Game
Gasing or tops spinning, is a traditonal games popular among
Malay(Native people). Especially amongst the villagers in the State of Kelantan
and Melaka. Each season after the rice harvest,several villagers will come
together to challenge each other in an ultimate test of skill. The villagers
believed that the spinning tops would help bring good harvest.
Both adults and children can play the game. But bigger or
giant top spinning is more of a games for adult than children. the one used by
adults are much bigger in size and can spin for a period of time whereas the
one played by kids are much smaller.
The Gasing or top spinning is usually made of wood or hard
fruit, iron and lead. One of those huge top from Kelantan actually weighs about
4 to 5 Kilograms while a smaller top is about 0.1 to 0.5 Kilograms.
Gasing or top spinning is split into two categories. One
is for ornamental purposes and while the other is for playing.
There are many types of spinning tops available here in Malaysia. The following may give you an idea;

Images Source: Google Images
But as kids in Malaysia, The throwing top is the most common type of top today.

Image Source: Google Images
Spintops are among the oldest toys ever discovered by
archaeologists. A clay top unearthed in Iraq was dated to 35th century
BC—nearly six thousand years ago. The wooden top below was carved circa 1300BC
and later discovered in the tomb of King Tut!
Tops made from fruits, nuts and seeds have been discovered
amongst indigenous tribes throughout the world.
Archeologically speaking, tops made of clay have been found
in Iraq dating from 3500 B.C. In China, so-called whip tops have been found dating from
approximately 1250 B.C. And, the ancient Greeks enjoyed tops, having depicted
playful top scenes on their pottery. As early as 300 B.C. Roman children used tops to add spice
to their summer afternoons
Working Principle

Image Source: Google Images
It would seem a fascination with small spinning totems is
nearly ubiquitous across cultures and though they come in all shapes and sizes,
every top defies gravity in the exact same way.
A spinning top is held upright by angular momentum. As
Newton said, objects in motion, stay in motion. They don't change direction or
slow down without the application of an outside force. In fact, a well balanced
top that is spun perfectly upright would never slow down if it were not for the
energy lost to friction against the spinning surface.
Though the magical dance of the top is quite beautiful on a
purely aesthetic level, human ingenuity soon recognised a greater potential for
this ancient amusement and the top was enlisted for help with more practical
purposes. Namely, gambling.
Gasing Games in Malaysia
1) The "Spinning Contest", the one who
can spin his top for the longest time wins the match. Once the top has been
launched, the top is carefully scooped off the ground using a thin wooden bat.
It will then be transferred to a little wooden surface and left to spin for as
long as possible. The trick here is to ensure that the top doesn't topple
during the transit. Tough as it may seem and unbelievably so, the current
record stands at two hours.
2) The "Striking Match" is far more
exciting that the first. At least you won't need to stand there for hours
watching a top spin and spin and spin. The "striking match" is as the
name suggests. Each contestant must try to hit their opponent's tops so that
the already spinning tops will topple and loses its balance and speed.
Modern Tops
For the purposes of this post we will focus on tops that are
spun by hand. In fact, many modern tops are still made by hand. Often from wood
turned on a lathe.

Gif Source: gif-finder.com
Other tops are made of metal, glass or plastic. There is
such a great variety of tops from around the world that famed architects Ray
and Charles Eames produced a short film called "Tops" in 1969. The
film features beautiful tops from around the world as well as some everyday
objects that can be spun like tops.
Using modern materials and technology designers have
attempted to minimize friction as much as possible in order to create tops that
spin for a very, very long time. Lacopo Simonelli currently holds the record
with a non-mechanical top that spins for over 50 minutes.

Gif Source: gif-finder.com
Of course, one could nearly eliminate friction altogether
with a magnetic spinning top.

Gif Source: gif-finder.com
So, despite the many revolutions in the Spinning Top games, it has somewhat become a forgotten childhood game especially when it was famous pre-millenia. There are however folks in the rural area who still maintain and hold games and competitions there albeit not on a scale that would get national news coverage.
So, what do you say we bring this game back to a neighbourhood near you!!!
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